Opportunity Awaits

It’s a stab in the dark, but I’m guessing the Bank of England won’t be on your Christmas card list this year?

You’re not alone – the continual, monthly rate rises aren’t exactly good news, and was further confirmation of something we’re all well aware of:

For a lot of kitchen retailers, it’s been getting tough out there.

And it might get a bit tougher yet.

When you’re in the eye of the storm, when it feels like it’s bad headline after bad headline, when the inflation forecasters get it wrong, and it continues to run high, it’s easy to come to one conclusion:

“This is impossible.”

Therein lies the opportunity.

You see, if that thought crosses your mind, you can bet your bottom dollar that other kitchen retailers will be thinking it too.

There’s a quote that’s stayed with me from the compelling book Shoe Dog – the story of how sportswear giant Nike was built and led by CEO, Phil Knight:

“The cowards never started, and the weak died along the way. That leaves us, ladies and gentlemen.”

You DID start. You took the leap and did your own thing, built your business, delivering a fantastic product and service, developing your reputation. And through tough times, it’s often reputation that sees you through.

For less robust kitchen businesses, this financial squeeze might be too much.

But for those that are stronger and committed long term, what’s happening now - and what follows - provides a terrific opportunity to grow your market share. To come out bigger, stronger, and more profitable.

You might read the headlines and see negativity and difficulty. But with your head up - focused on the distance - it becomes more apparent where the opportunity lies.

And if you feel now’s the time to take the initiative with your sales and marketing, let’s schedule a call and work out how we can help you make it happen.