
Here’s a question for you to mull over:

If we took the name of your business off all your advertising - your website, your leaflets, your Facebook ads, all of it – and replaced it with another business’s name, would anyone notice?

If not, it’s almost certainly not doing its job.

Your advertising needs to:

  • Get your ideal prospect to sit up, take notice and be compelled to get in touch

  • Deliver a message that resonates strongly with the exact person you want to buy a kitchen from you

  • Show them why they should do business with you versus any and every other option, including doing nothing

But, if we could just swap out your business names and it’d still make sense, it’s unlikely to be doing any of those things.

Let’s go a stage further:

If your advertising is just like every other kitchen company in your area,

chances are it’s a bit bland, a little vanilla and a little ignorable.

To fix it, ask yourself these two questions and really think about the answers:

1. What do you do better than ANYONE else?

Let’s face it, everyone’s going to say they provide the ‘best quality’ and the highest level of professionalism and service – people expect it, and it doesn’t impress them.

But what is your genuine USP, the thing that marks you out from everyone else? Get that front and centre.

2. What do you stand for?

Great advertising isn’t bland. It hits you in the face and forces you to sit up and pay attention. 

One way to create advertising that grabs attention is to pick a fight. When was the last time you railed against the big sheds and told your audience how sick and tired you are of people getting saddled with ‘highly discounted’, average-quality kitchens sold by slick salespeople?

What do you stand for? Are you communicating it powerfully?

Ask yourself these questions and force yourself to give an authentic, new answer.

Then, write an ad that only YOU could write, that reflects what YOU stand for, and see what happens.