Familiarity Breeds Favourability: Getting The Click

In an online landscape where kitchen retailers constantly vie for visibility, getting your business onto the hallowed first page of Google is a big deal.

But even when you’re listed right at the top, the game is far from won because a first-page listing doesn’t pay the bills.
You need to make a sale, which means first clinching the click.
The secret? Recognition and brand awareness.
Here’s some research that might make your head spin...
A few years ago, research in the UK confirmed what we’ve suspected for years - that most businesses are only getting part of the job done by getting on the first page of a Google search.
The research found that on page one of a search result, 82% of consumers select a business they’re already familiar with, regardless of where the company ranks on that page of results.
Take a moment to consider that.
That’s four out of five people click on the listing where they recognise the name of the business!
And that’s because familiarity breeds favourability.
The reality is that, given multiple options, people lean towards the brands they’ve heard of simply because they trust them more. (Just think about your own search habits.)
In the kitchen industry, trust is a precious commodity. And you already know that companies that have put the hard yards in to establish a robust online presence AND build recognition put themselves in pole position.
It’s about becoming known before you’re needed.
So, how can you get your brand name into the searcher’s head before they start searching ... before they even embark on their journey to a new kitchen?
This is best established using proactive, intrusive media, typically with repetition.
Offline, there are the traditional options like lifestyle magazines, leaflets, billboards (Out-of-Home) and radio.
Digitally, social media has an obvious role to play – Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn.
Whether you’re putting out content, showcasing your projects, or running local brand awareness ads, social media is ideal to take your prospects on a one-way trip down the familiarisation highway.
You don’t need your prospects to know your whole story; they just need to be more familiar with your brand than the others listed above and below you on Google. And with that, they’ll find themselves naturally drawn to you, almost powerless to resist!