Is there any point in kitchen companies entering awards?

This time last week, I was getting ready for one of the more special evenings in the KBB calendar – the KBB Review Retail & Design Awards.

One of our wonderful clients was up for an award and invited me along for a fantastic night in Cardiff.

The event was entertaining, well-organised, full of fun, and once again made me feel proud to be a member of the KBB community.

Now, I’ve not touched on awards much before, but it’s something well worth covering.

You see, so much of successful kitchen marketing is down to how your business is positioned in the marketplace. The better positioned you are to your target customer, the better your chances of securing the sale.

The way to the best possible positioning? Coming up with an excellent answer to this question:

“Why should I do business with your kitchen company versus every other option?

It’s not always an easy question to answer, especially if your market isn’t particularly educated about kitchens.

They might know they want a kitchen. They might even know they want a German Kitchen, for example. But they don’t have the necessary knowledge required to understand exactly why you’re the best choice for them.

One way to show that you’re a worthy option everyone can understand…?

Win an award, or at least become a finalist!

The truth is, not everyone can win an award – the judging is ultimately subjective, and the business that ends up with the gong may not be the best on every measure.

But reaching the finals shows that you’re a serious player, which goes a long way to answering the above question about why someone should do business with you.

Getting involved in the latter stages of awards also allows you to make a song and dance about it – email content, social media content, awards logos for your website and leaflets. Everything about becoming a finalist gives you something you can leverage to position your business as a credible choice for your customers.

Oh, and they’re great for your team, too – boosts morale, helps demonstrate that you’re heading in the right direction, and gives them something to be proud of.

In a nutshell, if you think you’ve got a chance of making it as at least a finalist, get ‘awards’ on your to-do list and make it happen.